Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Tale of My Ascent of Mt. Ohellno

So, I've gotten to San Diego, and stayed up until 10:30, and I was exhausted. But, since I just came from the east coast, that doesn't mean much... I still woke up at 3:00 in the morning. And 4:00. And 4:30. And 5:11. At 6:00, I finally started moving, since I could see that the sun was coming up, and I didn't want to run in the dark in a strange area.

Since it was a strange area, I decided to keep it simple. There's a main road right here with a sidewalk, so I thought I would just run up the road for a while and then run back. That's when I went outside and saw this road...

Now, being from Florida, I've completely forgotten what hills look like. But you guys out west certainly have them. With a vengeance. I'm pretty sure it was about a 60 degree incline. So, I studied the west face of this peak, and came up with a plan. I started my ascent to base camp alpha, remembering to take small steps and conserve some energy. I started a 5 minute run/1 minute walk to head up to the summit. And it felt pretty good. The other part of this trip was to find the Rubio's in the village at the base of the mountain -- and I found it about halfway up. Oh, boy... I better really want some fish tacos later to make that trip again. But up, up, up I went. Finally, when I saw a mountain goat bound past me, I decided that I'd gone up high enough. 13 and a half minutes of climing -- definitely not bad for a Florida boy.

The downhill part was (obviously) much easier, but I'm still remembering to take small steps. I'm not sure what I looked like doing this run, but I'm betting it was kinda funny. I made it back down to the bottom in another 13 minutes, so I still had some time to go, so I turned around and went back up -- and that was the tortuous part. My legs felt like jelly... but they didn't hurt, so I pushed on through. I only went up another couple minutes, found a good marker to turn around at so that I could map my run, and went back down. And that brings us to now.

It turns out that it was a short run... only 2.69 miles. I have to admit that I'm disappointed in that, but it felt good to get some hill work in. It's not like we have them all over the place at home. I definitely feel more confident that I won't die during next week's bridge run.

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