Friday, July 6, 2007

Facing the day, pre-dawn

Yesterday, I was under the impression that I would have to wake up at 4:45AM to get to the gym in time for my lovely wife to make it to power-body-pump-flow-whatever class at 5:45. But last night, the plans changed. She decided that she would much rather do the cycling class that starts at 6:00.

That was the sweetest thing I've ever heard.

I know I've harped on the early morning thing before, and I know I will again, but I just have to say that there is a huge difference in those 15 minutes. 5:00 is reasonable. It's early, but it shows dedication. Before 5:00 -- even at 4:45 -- is insane. That's just gone over the edge.

"When did you get up?"
"Oh, I got up at five this morning."
"Wow... that's early. You must be doing great in your training!"

As opposed to:
"Before five."
"Dude... you're insane. Don't come around me anymore. You're not welcome here. "

See? Those just sound like natural conversations to me.

Now... this isn't to say that I'll never get up at 4:45. If my lovely wife wants to go to whatever random class is at 5:45, I will naturally support that. But I'll complain the whole time. And you'll hear about it.

Oh, and today's workout? Not too bad. 10 minutes on the elliptical, a trip around the weight stations (which felt pretty good), and then 15 minutes on the stairmaster (although not a StairMaster(TM)... it's from TechnoGym). That kinda hurt, but I wanted to change things up a bit -- the elliptical gets boring when that's all you do.

For this weekend, I'm looking at running again tomorrow (hopefully a different route... I'll tell all about it), and then probably swimming on Sunday. I'm excited about that... I used to be a competitive swimmer, so I love getting back to the pool. Plus, my wife wants me to coach her a bit to help her stroke along. Should be fun!

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