Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Oh, boy

Yesterday, I found out that I screwed up at work. It ended up not being a huge deal, but it was big enough that I had to put everything else on hold until it was fixed. Which took until midnight last night (actually, there was one nagging thing this morning, but that wasn't too bad). Now, if you recall, I woke up at 5:00 in the morning yesterday. Which means that midnight was not a time when I wanted to be awake. And I was planning on waking up at 6:30 this morning to run.

"Planning" is the operative word there.

Now, first, let me mention that my lovely wife did, in fact, get up at 5:00 in the morning to go to the cycling class at the gym. And she left me at home, sleeping. God bless her.

However, when the alarm blew at 6:30, I looked outside, and it was still pretty dark. "Obviously, that's just not safe!", I told myself. So I went back to sleep. Briefly.

I ended up getting up at around 7, out the door at 7:10, and ran basically the same route I did on Sunday. I changed directions, though, and ran clockwise through the neighborhood. I'm trying to keep things balanced that way. The other thing to note is that I ran 3 minutes to each 1 minute walking. And it felt... ok. Not great. I was dragging a bit at the end there. But I think that may have a *lot* to do with everything surrounding last night and this morning. What's most important to me at this point is that I STILL DID IT!!!! It wasn't that long ago where I would have made an excuse, slept another hour, and gotten up and gone straight to work. But not anymore. I'm in training! (kinda)

Oh, and it was a little faster than Sunday, too. 32:17 for the three loops, plus warmup and cooldown. I'm still trying to keep things kinda slow for now.

Oh, and I did sign up for the Celebration 5K tomorrow morning. This should be interesting. I'm not expecting a PR, but I'm curious to see just what I can do. My last 5K was in early March, and it wasn't timed, so I have *no* idea what I can do... but I know I lost a lot over the last couple months.

Plus, there's a pub crawl tonight. Hey, it's a holiday. I'll try not to go overboard, but it certainly wouldn't be the first time I've run with a hangover/buzz/lampshade on my head.

Wish me luck!


Heidi Flash said...

You are inspiring me to get back to the gym in the mornings. Keep it up - I'm not quite there yet. :)

Ultradad said...

Nice Post! I occasionally run routes in reverse to spice things up too. Good luck in your 5K!

Chuck Beretz said...

Cool dude -- I think learning the self-discipline of awakening to run is as important as your mileage. Maybe more so. AND, since you did it, you now have the moral high ground to enjoy the pub crawl!

Runner Leana said...

How did your 5K go?