Sunday, July 29, 2007

Galloway Training Run #1

Yesterday, we had our first training run for the 26.2 with Donna marathon to fight breast cancer. The official training program for the marathon is with Jeff Galloway, using the run-walk-run method to help us get to being able to run 26 miles in six months, and getting there injury free. And so far, I think it makes great sense. I'm certainly intimidated by the idea of running 26 miles, but I know I can run four minutes at a time... and I'm absolutely sure that in six months, I'll pretty much be able to do that for really long distances.

Naturally, this was the first meeting, so there was a bit of getting acquainted to be done. We just ran in one big group, running two minutes and walking one minute. It was incredibly easy (as one might imagine), and really smooth. But what was really telling was today's workout. It was actually my first time back in the gym in a couple weeks, and it felt incredible! It started with 10 minutes on the elliptical, which I normaly get about .6 miles done. Today, in the same amount of time, I was able to pump out .8 miles! That's a heck of an improvement if you ask me. The rest of the workout was just lifting and stretching, but that elliptical run was fan-freaking-tastic.

On the negative side, it really struck me yesterday what I have really signed up for. I was getting ready for the run at 6AM on a Saturday, and realizing that this would be the latest I would be able to sleep in on a Saturday until mid-February of next year. Ouch. But I'm just going to focus on how good the running feels.

One other good thing -- my wife signed up for the training program today. She's not sure if she'll run the marathon yet, but running the 5K last weekend really had her realize how much she missed running. I'm really proud of her for starting to run again, and I'm looking forward to running together.

Oh, and here's yesterday's run:

On on to the marathon!

1 comment:

Runner Leana said...

Congratulations to your wife for signing up! It sounds like the Galloway group will be great. I started with Galloway's plan for Goofy, but then tweaked it to add more miles and do the back to back runs. And I'm a big fan of the R/W thing.