Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Morning run and motivation

My wife was supposed to join me on my run this morning, but decided that sleep was far more important. I don't blame her. It felt good. But my run felt even better!

I ran 3.44 miles this morning, basically just adding a couple extra side jogs to the 3.2 mile track I've been running. At the start of the run, my foot was still really hurting, my knee was feeling OK, and my legs were so incredibly stiff I thought they would break right off. It didn't take long, though, for things to loosen up a bit and for my feet to stop hurting at all. I definitely love these inserts.

The last couple weeks have been a little less than motivated for me, so at the beginning of my marathon training, I'm trying to come up with a good way to make sure I do all my workouts. As it turns out, Lifehacker yesterday had this post about the way Jerry Seinfeld keeps productive. Basically, it boils down to having a big calendar on your wall and marking the days you work with a big red 'X'. Once you get enough of those, you won't want to break up the prettiness of the calendar. I think I'm going to give this a try... all I need is a big wall calendar.

How about you guys? Do you have any tricks to keep yourselves motivated during the slow times?


RunToTheFinish said...

I agree, consistency is how I got hooked on running!

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

I just found your blog site and I like reading your posts. Seems to me nothing motivates better than a goal and accomplishments. Congrats on your PR! What marathon are you training for?

Keep up the good running and posting!


Bill said...

Thanks, guys! Welcome to the blog.

Tom -- I'm training for the National Marathon to Fight Breast Cancer in Jacksonville, FL.