Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Not getting lost... now that's new

This morning, I tried the same route that I did on Saturday, when I took a wrong turn. Today, however, the running gods were smiling on me (plus, I had just run it a few days ago), and I managed to get the whole thing in without any wrong turns at all. Hooray me.

The whole thing was 3.2 miles, so just over 5K length. And I did it all in 33 minutes. Now, that's slightly disappointing, as I'm hoping to break my plateau of 30 minutes in the 5K next weekend, but then I started thinking about several things:
  • Oh... My... God... it's hot. Yes, it's Florida. But it was 76 when I left at 6:50-ish this morning, and damn near 80 when I got back at 7:30-ish. Naturally, that's going to slow you down.
  • It has been a while since I was able to run that 30 minute 5K, and I didn't do much in the meantime -- except have my leg sliced into and pieces of it removed.
  • Oh, and let's not forget that the race is running over two bridges in downtown Jacksonville next Friday night. It's going to be even hotter than, plus I get the fun uphill parts of running the bridges.
Now, I don't know how much you guys know about Florida geography, but there really aren't a whole lot of places to do hill training. Inclines pretty much have to be done on the treadmill. Which is boring. Maybe someday, but not today.

Tonight, my lovely wife and I are going to give the swimming a try again. She says her shoulder is feeling much better, and I'm going to see what I can do to have her use it as little as possible. I'm not really sure how to do that just yet, but I'll think of something.

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