Friday, June 8, 2007

This is gonna be tough...

OK, so I just got back from my first trip to the gym since the middle of April. Granted, since then, I had done some outdoor running in the meantime, but the doc had told me to not work out as of May 1st. So, it's been over a month since I got any sort of workout. Or since I got to use my nice running shoes.

...until today.

Granted, I didn't work it very hard (30 minutes, 1.7 miles), and I walked (stress walked) the entire thing. And it didn't feel terrible. I made it. But it didn't feel particularly comfortable either. Actually, the worst part was the first eight minutes -- after that, it got significantly easier. I wonder if that means that there was just a lot of stiffness. It's obvious that the scar tissue has a huge loss of elasticity over the skin that was there.

In any case, I'm still banking on a slow return to running. In fact, I probably won't run a step for at least another few weeks. But at the same time, it sure felt good to get back there.

1 comment:

Runner Leana said...

Bill, thanks for the good wishes for my race. Congratulations on getting out there, even though it didn't feel that great. As you stick with it, things will improve though! And way to go on taking those nice running shoes out for a spin!