Monday, June 18, 2007

One step forward, two steps back

If you recall some earlier posts, I was supposed to run a 5k this past weekend... the Run for the Pies. However, there was some debate as to whether or not this would be possible, since I got my wisdom teeth taken out last Thursday. Well, let me cut right to the chase.

It wasn't possible.

Honestly, I was feeling pretty good (considering) at the end of last week. The procedure itself wasn't so bad. I woke up at the end of it, but there wasn't any pain, so I could deal with that. I was up and moving around pretty well on Friday, and I was thinking that there might be a real chance that I would be able to get up and walk (emphasis on walk) around the course on Saturday.

Unfortunately, Saturday came along, and my mouth was on fire. I bailed. Quicker than I'd ever bailed on anything. I was in some serious pain. And Sunday brought absolutely no relief. Things were getting worse -- and I'm pretty sure that they aren't supposed to. Or, at least, if it was supposed to hurt *more* afterward, the doctor would have let me know.

So I went in today to have him look. I have dry socket. And it's not pleasant. Basically, something got dislodged and my bone/nerves are somewhat exposed on my lower left side. So, the doc today gave me some stuff that should help. But the wisdom tooth experience isn't going to be leaving me just yet... and it looks like I won't be working out again for a few days.

It'll sure be nice when I'm not falling apart.

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