Monday, June 25, 2007

Ain't it always the way?

So, that was a nice little whining session I had on Friday, wasn't it? Of course, I still think it's understandable, given the pain and whatnot, but as luck would have it, I feel much better now! I actually woke up on Saturday morning and went out and played 18 holes with lovely wife and her dad. I'm going to keep you in suspense on my score, but let me just say that I am not good. It was three digits (well into three digits), and I was very much in last place in that group. But there was improvement, and hey, I was just happy to get outside and get some activity in. Beautiful course, too... if you're ever in Southeastern Georgia and get a hankering to play golf, feel free to check out Coastal Pines Golf Club. It's a value course, but it's a fantastic value course!

Yesterday was a good, relaxing day. Which I needed. Because I went back to the gym this morning!!! And there was much rejoicing. Ten minutes on the elliptical, some weight training, and closed with 15 minutes on the treadmill. I wasn't going fast, but I was running. For 12 complete minutes. And I went 1.2 miles. And it felt good. Sure, there were definitely some issues... my asthma was starting to act up a little (but it's under control... nothing to worry about), and my legs were *both* feeling tight. My surgery scar still needs to get some more elasticity in it before things are actually what I would call comfortable. All in all, though, I feel really good.

And I haven't even taken a Tylenol yet this morning.

Although I stress the world "yet".

Probably nothing tomorrow, back to the gym on Wednesday, and then might even get a run/walk in on Thursday, depending on how I'm feeling.

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