Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Rain, Rain Go Away

It has been raining here for days. Not off and on for days, but for days straight. The sun didn't peek out yesterday at all. It has been gloomy and nasty. It honestly seems like it has been nighttime since Sunday.

I don't know how people in those arctic regions survive.

In any case, after another long day of work yesterday, I was really feeling the itch to do something, and my wife was stuck at work for a while, so I decided I'd finally take this opportunity to get a run in. During the week. I know, I know... it's not what you'd expect, but I did say in the last post that I was going to do this.

Of course, I've been saying that in lots of posts.

But this time, I meant it!

So, I got to the gym, fought the torrential downpours from this storm that doesn't actually have a name, but seems at times like it should. I straggled through the door, looking like a cat that got left out a little too long. I managed to drag myself over to one of the treadmills, set it to a warm-up, and started walking, at a 2% grade. I started running on it a few minutes later -- not quick, but a decent pace.

And you know what? It felt pretty good.

I ended up running for half an hour, with a few walk breaks in there. I did lower the angle from time to time, as my shins were starting to get pretty sore. It's obvious that I need to work on the strength in my shins at this point. But I still got through it with an average grade of 1.1% (according to the treadmill), having run 2.3 miles. Not too bad, considering how easily I was taking it.

As for the orthotics, well, they felt kinda weird. Not a bad weird, just weird. I know they'll get better as I continue to run with them, but I'm still going to ease into that pretty gently. For instance, I will not be wearing them this weekend at RFTT. But I'll probably wear them for running tomorrow (we'll see if I can't make 2.5 miles at 1.5%, or something like that).

Yesterday was a fantastic example of how running can beat the blues. Even after a treadmill run, I felt spectacularly good -- good enough to get through the rain and get back home for some good ol' country fried steak and taters! I haven't completely embraced the "eating well" portion of my training, but dangit, it was goooooooood!

And now it's raining again. And me without my shoes.



Anonymous said...

It hasn't rained here in so long that there is a water restriction in Loudoun County going so far as to say that restaurants can't serve people water unless they specifically ask for it. Perfect weather for Red Dress, though...will be close to 90 on Saturday and not a cloud in the sky.

I also ran on the treadmill yesterday, which I never do because I'm afraid of shooting off of the back like in a cartoon. Luckily, no one else was in the weight room so if I fell I would have been alone.

Bill said...

I would pay good money to see *anyone* shooting off the back of the tredmill. My problem is the exact opposite -- they put the emergency stop button in a place where it's very easy to hit it with your hands as you run... which means you can very easily run full speed into the nice little statistical display they put right in front of you.

It's not pleasant.

Have a great time at Red Dress! I'm definitely going to miss y'all while it's going on, but I'll still make sure to have more than a couple beers at Epcot. Tell everyone I said "Hi" (or, at least everyone I like). And this year, if you pick up random pants in a bar, they won't be mine!