Tuesday, August 21, 2007

He Lives!

First, I would like to apologize to all my loyal readers. I was not in jail, sent to a hospital, or abducted by aliens. In fact, I have simply just been incredibly busy, and still mostly off my feet, so I didn't have anything really run-worthy to write about.

But I'm back. Not to the running yet, but to the blogging. Let me start at the beginning.

Last Wednesday, I went to the doc. He told me to take it easy, ice, and no running for 10 days. So I have stuck with that. I did walk with my running group on Saturday, but things felt pretty OK after that (it was five miles). I have been *very* careful not to work things too hard, although I have not been very good about taking the Naproxen he prescribed for me. Or with icing. I've iced when it bothers me, but not normally... not sure if that's ok or not.

Anyway, I finally went back to the gym this morning to get a little cross-training in. I rode the bike and did some weight work... all no impact type things. And my leg feels pretty good. I'll slap the ice pack on it soon, but all in all, not bad at all. Hopefully, things will be looking much better this coming Saturday, when we are scheduled to do our next magic mile and alter the groups. I'm optimistic that things will be OK, but I'm definitely going to err on the side of caution.

That's basically all that there is to tell. No grand stories. But I'll see what I can do about that later. Right now, I have to get back to work.

Ahhh... it feels so good to blog again!


Chuck Beretz said...

Glad to hear you are recovering. Now stay off the pavement and the shin splints should stay away :)

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

Your shins will recover.

What will you do to prevent them from returning?