Monday, May 21, 2007

Scratch one race

Well, I just scheduled an extraction of all four wisdom teeth for June 14th. Two days before the Run for the Pies. As my lovely wife pointed out, I'm probably not going to want to do much of anything, let alone run 3.1 miles.

However, what she doesn't know is that this is all part of my nefarious scheme to make sure that I don't try to come back from my surgery too quickly. After all, without the pressure of a race looming, I can take my time and get back into running when I'm actually ready. Personally, I'm down with it. Although I'm still not looking forward to the extraction. Or the surgery.

I probably won't have any updates until after my surgery, but I'll let everyone know how it goes after that. Wish me luck!


Runner Leana said...

Good luck with your extraction! I'm training for quite a few races too, with the Goofy Race and a Half Challenge in January being my big one. I look forward to following your blog.

Bill said...

Thanks! I'm signed up for the half marathon at the Disney weekend, so maybe I'll even see you there! And I'm looking forward to having a reader. :)