Thursday, April 10, 2008

A good run, and a quick endorsement

That last post was pretty short, eh? Well, there's a reason for that. I posted it over the phone, while in my Jeep, on the way back from my run. Text messaging? Heck, no! That's not nearly high-tech enough for the likes of me. No, this came from Jott. Jott is a service that will take voice calls and transcribe them into emails, text messages, and even blog posts and twitter updates. They even have an interface to the calendar I use (30 boxes). It's not perfect, but it's pretty slick for sending short messages out without being one of those jackasses that try to text and drive at the same time. Oh, and best of all? It's free. Of course, that means they won't be giving me anything special for this fantastic review, but hey, the thing just plain works.

Anyway, the run yesterday was great! Of course, I'm running in a new area of town (near my new gym), and I don't know the area very well yet, so I was putting potential routes into MapMyRun and I thought I had found a really good one -- except that I got there and it was a gated community, so I had to turn around, and get back to the gym to do the same route I did last week. For some reason, though, this week just felt much better!

I was running a 5/1 interval, since it gave me so much trouble last week, but things were just... happy. I wasn't slowing down at the end of the running period, and my walking phase was nice and relaxed, but going at a good clip. Obviously, I'm still not back to where I was before my multitude of injuries, but still... making good progress.

I promise my next post won't have nearly so many links in it.


holowahini said...

I am proud of you, even if you called me a jackass.

Bill said...

I was talking about those other jackasses, of course!