Thursday, January 31, 2008

One week in

Today was my third real physical therapy session, and I think they're going pretty well. We've been warming up with some time on the bike (8 minutes Monday, 10 minutes Tuesday and today), and usually go on to stretches and some basic quad-strengthening exercises. Today, I got a special treat. After those exercises, I got to go on the elliptical machine for 10 minutes to see how things are going!

The verdict: pretty well. I didn't have much pain while I was on the machine (for 10 minutes), and any pain I did have went away pretty quickly afterwards. However, a little while later, my knee is definitely a little sore. At this point, I'm not really sure if it's due to the meniscus or the workout, but I'm going to make sure to mention it to the PT on Monday when I go back.

But I got to do something almost, but not quite, entirely unlike running. Hooray!

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